Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Electronic Holiday Gifts

Hi Vegas fans,

I've been in this spot before, and I'm wondering how many of you have, too. It's December 23rd (or 24th), and I haven't finished shopping. There's that one person on the list that I can't seem to figure out what to buy. I don't mean "the perfect gift" either. I mean a nice gift that won't break my bank but will be a thoughtful present.

It's got to be one that's easy to buy - after all I don't want to be stuck in traffic or wandering the cold streets all night. I've got eggnog to drink! And when it's this late in the year, you can't really shop online unless you want to pay a zillion dollars in shipping. Ouch.

How about this? Try an electronic gift. I always like to give (and receive) iTunes or e-books. They're environmentally friendly, they're easy to buy on the spot with no shipping costs, and the recipient will always be able to use them. If you're in the market for an e-book, and the person you are buying for is a Vegas nut like you, please consider my book. If you purchase any flavor (Kindle, Nook, PDF or Flipbook) of my book by December 31, I will send you a luggage tag for free as a token of my appreciation. All you have to do is e-mail me with the date you purchased the book and they type of book you bought. It's a win-win, so give it some thought.

Wishing you and your family a very happy holiday season!

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