Thursday, March 19, 2009

News N' Notes...

Hi Vegas Fans,


March Madness... what a time to be in Vegas! Wish I was there right now, but I've got this full time job thing that keeps me busy. And off the streets.

There are some cool promotions out there, and I've got some suggestions for where you can watch the games:

Don't forget to bet, or pretend you're betting, so that you can get free drinks.


I'll be a contributor for tomorrow's Las Vegas Advisor Question of the Day, so stay tuned and check it out. Good stuff.

I updated the tables on the website. Whew! This is a lot of work. Venues change, clubs close, new restaurants open... all the time in Vegas. Keeping up with it is a task. Please let me know if you find any broken links, mistakes, etc.

Thanks all and have a great rest of the week. And remember, especially during March Madness... Go to Vegas. It's that simple.



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