Saturday, September 11, 2010

Liberace Museum to Close

According to the Las Vegas Advisor, the Liberace Museum will close in October after being in business for 31 years. This is really a shame. It is a wonderful exhibit, and if you get a chance, please go see it.

You don't have to be a Liberace fan to enjoy it. There is a lot of memorabilia, cool cars, pianos and plenty of jumpsuits. It's kitch to the 10th degree, and it's a nice break from the over-stimulation on the Strip. The people who work there are very knowledgeable and friendly. I will miss it.

Just as I miss Elvis-o-Ramma. I know that in Vegas the only constant is change, but usually it's a casino that gets imploded so that a newer one can take its place. When museums and galleries close due to lack of interest or financial troubles, it's a little harder to swallow.

I've always said Las Vegas is so much more than gambling. I like to support the shows, attractions, and other fun stuff that goes on outside the casino. There's plenty to do. I hope that's always the case, and I'll keep supporting these other ventures as long as I go to Vegas. I can't wait to see Figuratively Speaking: A Survey of the Human Form in a few weeks.

And I'm not a person who constantly says "this isn't the Vegas I remember anymore" or "Vegas ain't what it used to be" - after all, that's the point. Keep it fresh, keep it fun, keep it exciting. But there's always room for familiarity, and I hope that there are more events and places that stay open and continue to change rather than close. I hope.


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