Saturday, October 1, 2011

Kindle Fire

For those of you who enjoy Vegas on the go, there is a new electronic reader on the market. Amazon has introduced Fire (what is it with these folks and lighting things aflame?) to their line of Kindles. It is kind of like a Nook color and kind of like a tablet, too, with advanced web-browsing technology.

The market for all of these devices is getting pretty crowded, and it will be interesting to see if one comes out on top as the leader. I think the important thing is that whatever device you use, for whatever purpose (reading, browsing, gaming, etc.) that developers have to make their applications work well on multiple platforms.

That is why I am working so hard on SLV 2012. It will be available on all devices because I write it in HTML and I also have it available as a PDF. I can't wait to publish it!


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