Thursday, October 29, 2009


Hi Vegas fans,

Hope I didn't scare ya. But this weekend is Halloween, and that means it's party time in Sin City. As if it needed another reason to party. Here's the Las Vegas Advisor's roundup of October 31 fun.

Me? I'm handing out candy to the kids in my neighborhood. If I was in Vegas this weekend, however, I'd probably be doing something different. Like dressing up as Disco Stu and having fun at a club.

I've never dressed up in a disco outfit, but it would be totally opposite my personality, and thus I think a good costume. My two best costumes: Wonder Bread when I was about 8 (my sister is very creative and artistic) and static cling when I was in my twenties (pin socks and such to your clothes: it's easy, fun, and a conversation piece).

But before you dress up and paint Vegas red, don't forget to fill out my scavenger hunt for the chance to win a free luggage tag!

Have a great Halloween!

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