Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Viva Thanksgiving!

First, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! I know it's a few days early, but I'm going to be busy as a beaver (or a turkey, I guess) these next few days, so you're getting your weekly dose of Vegas stuff and a holiday wish today.

For those of you who are planning to be in Sin City for Turkey Day, check out the Las Vegas Review-Journal's 2008 article on places to eat (including restaurants, buffets, and take outs):


Yum, yum!

I have a lot to be thankful for this year! I published my book this year and redesigned my Vegas website a bunch of times. I've been a Las Vegas Advisor Question of the Day expert a few times. I've had a lot of people fill out my surveys, form for a free itinerary, take my quizes, and over 25 people have submitted pictures to my Flickr group. Fun, fun, fun! And still, I have a lot of work to do, so I'll have even more to be thankful for soon enough.

I've got a great job, a nice house, an awesome car, and I'm safe. I'm thankful for that.

But most importantly, I'm thankful for my family and friends. My wife, Martha, has been very patient with me as I stare at a computer screen all day and all night. My parents celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary this year (and Martha and I celebrated #5!). I've reconneced with some old friends, who will be joining me in Vegas in January, and I've stayed in touch with many others through the years.

This year, I'll be celebrating Thanksgiving with my in-laws, who I love dearly and can't wait to see. I'm thankful for so much, and I have a lot to be thankful for. I'm a lucky person, even when I lose in Vegas. I wish you the same.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Upcoming QoD

Tomorrow I answer another Question of the Day for the Las Vegas Advisor (http://www.lasvegasadvisor.com). This one is about the old "Free Aspirin & Tender Sympathy" sign that used to live on the Strip. Tune in to the Las Vegas Advisor and click on the Question of the Day to see how I tackle this one...

Also, I'm posting a new trivia quiz today. Did you take last week's quiz? How did you do? Answers are posted on the Community tab.

There's still a few tabs I want to add to the website, but for now I think it's in good shape. I will be addressing, no doubt, a bunch of free itinerary requests after the QoD appears on the LVA, so that will keep me busy for a while.

There's a few new shows and some closings in Vegas, as always, so I'll need to update the tables soon. But for now, I'm going to see how many hits I get to the site after the QoD. I'm also thinking a lot about my next trip, scheduled for January. Can't wait!

Until next time...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

New look to the Simplifying Las Vegas website

It took a lot of work, but I restyled the website. Whew! I have some new features, such as a trivia quiz, new reader poll, etc. and I've moved some stuff around for easier access. Please check it out (http://www.simplifyinglasvegas.com/) and let me know what you think...

I also updated the books for 2009. The Kindle version took a while, what with the html code and all. The PDF version was a bit easier, especially after I updated the tables on the website. Still, I'm glad it's behind me and now I can monitor how the site is doing, what people think of it, etc.

I am pleased that folks are joining my Flickr group and adding pics and commenting on them. I wish this would result in more people visiting the site and taking advantage of the free stuff, fun stuff, and so on. But it just ain't happenin' yet. It's a little discouraging... I'm spending a lot of time and effort to update information, redesign the site, etc., and I'm having a very difficult time driving people there. I know I need a more aggressive marketing campaign, but I don't really have time or money right now to do that. This is still officially a hobby, and my full time job and life keep me pretty busy. Alas, I am going to press on...

So, enjoy the site, the pictures, the trivia quiz, the poll, the survey for your chance to win a free luggage tag, the blog, the tables, and while you're at it buy a book! 8)
