Saturday, September 5, 2009


Hi Vegas fans,

My compadre Steve sent me this story by Bill Simmons, which is kinda scary because I swear it parallels ours. Maybe not that scary... I think most guys decide to go to Vegas because it allows them... no, it commands them to act like idiots. Immature, irresponsible, idiots. Yup.

It's all in good fun, though. Blow off a little steam every now and then, and you are much more apt to take care of your daily life with a better perspective. That's why when I'm in Vegas, I take advantage of every second. I know how precious my time there is.

Maybe one of these days Steve and I will run into Bill Simmons and his gang in Vegas. Join forces. Create legendary stories (well... lies, really) to retell years later. That would be pretty cool. Our combined crews could do some pretty good damage. Maybe not as bad as The Hangover, but probably pretty close.

I hope to share more half-truths with you the next time I... Go to Vegas. It's that simple.

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