Monday, July 2, 2012

Of Reviews and Guide Books

Hi Vegas fans,
Not that book sales and rankings say everything about success, but I'm pleased that Simplifying Las Vegas has risen to #2 in Amazon's Travel Guide Books in the West and #13 in Kindle Books in the same category.

I think one of the reasons the book has done so well is because of the meaning of the word "guide." For some, a guide book should tell you everywhere you "must" go and everything you "must" do, and conversely which things you should stay away from. Well, to me, "guide" means to provide a path so that people can make their own choices.

That's one of the main differences between my book and other guide books. Now I do provide some of my "tip chips" which include some of my favorite hot spots and choices, but I don't give you a play-by-play on every restaurant, every show, every hotel. Instead, I arm you with information about what Vegas has to offer. Then you can make up your own mind. After all, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

I do plan to give more recommendations in the 2013 version of Simplifying Las Vegas. And, I will also include a few sample itineraries, including some that I've tried myself. But the premise of the book will remain the same: this is your trip to Las Vegas, and you have the right... no the duty to have as much fun as you can. To do that, you don't need a guide book to tell you "eat at this restaurant because it will change your life." You may hate it, and you may waste a lot of money.


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