Hi Vegas fans,
I hope you all are ready for the holidays this year! The good news is that the holidays come whether we are ready or not. Have you done all of your shopping for your favorite fanatical Vegas friends and family? I have. Yes, I'm done! Well, just about... I still have a few things I need to pick up, but they are easy gifts. For some of my friends, I like to give a nice gift card, be it iTunes, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or a nice restaurant.
If you are concerned that gift cards are not as romantic or caring as another gift, they can be a great complement to something else. Also, they are eco-friendly. And finally, they can be a way for the people receiving them to pick out whatever they want. Remember when Aunt Clara gave you tube socks and (hopefully new) underwear last year? Wouldn't it have been cooler if she got you a gift card to amazon.com or barnesandnoble.com instead so that you could have purchased your own tube socks and (hopefully new) underwear? I think so.
If you want something a little more personal but are running out of time to get to the stores or to have something shipped for an astronomical price to arrive on time, think about this: you can purchase a book and send it as a gift electronically. I think the recipients will find any e-book a really fun and unique gift. Plus, you save on some of that fancy wrapping paper.
Both amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com have electronic book delivery that you can give as gifts. Even if your friends and family don't have electronic book readers, they can still read books on a smart phone, tablet or any computer by downloading the free apps for Kindle or Nook. If you have a Vegas nut on your list who has been extra good (or extra naughty if you are into that kind of thing... I am), then I hope you consider giving my book through the Amazon or Barnes and Noble programs as a gift. At $4.99, it's a steal.
I will be back soon to wish you Happy Holidays in another blog soon. For now, I wish you much luck in your mad dash to finish your shopping. In case you are wondering what to get me, I would like all-expenses paid stay at the Wynn in the penthouse suite. I don't think that's asking for too much.
just ordered the 2012 version.
cant wait to recieve it. but I may wait until I am on the flight on my next trip to read it. helps make the flight go by faster but always an entertaining and infoirmative read.
Thanks! Enjoy... Mike
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