Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Ready for New Year's, Vegas fans?

Hi all,
With Christmas in the rear-view window and Santa taking a well-deserved break, it's time to start thinking about the New Year. What's in store for 2012? If you are a Vegas fanatic, you'll notice a lot of activity this year. The trend toward upscale and fancy-pants continues, especially on the Strip, with new nightclubs in the works for many MGM properties, new restaurants (of course) to whet your appetite, and the inevitable switcharoo for entertainment venues.

So far, we know that Barry Manilow is leaving Paris (... and Las Vegas until at least July). Jersey Boys will fill the vacancy at Paris, leaving a hole in Palazzo. Shel Adelson is also losing entertainment at Venetian: Blue Man Group is moving to Monte Carlo.

These are just a few of the changes that occur regularly in Las Vegas. It's hard to keep up with what's going on in Sin City, so stay tuned and I'll keep you posted on all the news. In the mean time, you are probably thinking about that next trip and how you will win enough money in 2012 to finally pay off the Christmas credit cards. Or, maybe you are planning a trip to brave the crowds and stay in Vegas for New Year's Eve (if so, I hope you like sharing your personal space with about a gazillion people... it will be a little cozy and difficult to get around, so be prepared!).

Whatever your plans, I wish you the best for 2012! If you are planning a trip to Vegas, post a reply here and let us know what you are most looking forward to, when you plan on visiting, and anything else you'd like to share with the rest of us Vegas nuts. The more the merrier.

Oh and by the way... for those of you who received Amazon.com gift cards or Barnes & Noble gift cards for the holidays, I hope you consider purchasing my book. It's only $4.99, so you will still have some left over to read all about that girl with the dragon tattoo or another book of your choice.


Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Holidays from Your Friends at Simplifying Las Vegas!

Hi Vegas fans,
Wow, it's hard to believe it is already Christmas. This year has flown by like my zippy Southwest flight from the East coast to Vegas. I don't really need anything this year, and I feel like spreading the joy, so here's my list:
  • For the Las Vegas Strip, Downtown and Outskirts: Increased visitation, increased revenue, and continued fun and excitement.
  • For seasoned gamblers: Big winnings - lots of jackpots, better blackjack on the Strip, continued fun and excitement.
  • For newbies: Beginner's luck, promises to return to Vegas, continued fun and excitement.
  • For casino execs: The realization that better gaming means bigger profits, a little retail space goes a long way, continued fun and excitement.
  • For all my faithful readers: Best wishes for a happy and healthy holiday season, good times with family and friends from Newport Beach to Myrtle Beach to South Beach, continued fun and excitement the next time you visit Vegas.
... So Santa pulled the handle on a Wheel of Fortune slot,
he got a free spin and won a lot,
But he gave the money to the cocktail waitress to his right,
and said, "Merry Christmas to all! Can I get a Bud Light?"

Ho, ho, ho and viva,

Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Most Wonderful Time of Year

Hi Vegas fans,
I hope you all are ready for the holidays this year! The good news is that the holidays come whether we are ready or not. Have you done all of your shopping for your favorite fanatical Vegas friends and family? I have. Yes, I'm done! Well, just about... I still have a few things I need to pick up, but they are easy gifts. For some of my friends, I like to give a nice gift card, be it iTunes, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or a nice restaurant.

If you are concerned that gift cards are not as romantic or caring as another gift, they can be a great complement to something else. Also, they are eco-friendly. And finally, they can be a way for the people receiving them to pick out whatever they want. Remember when Aunt Clara gave you tube socks and (hopefully new) underwear last year? Wouldn't it have been cooler if she got you a gift card to amazon.com or barnesandnoble.com instead so that you could have purchased your own tube socks and (hopefully new) underwear? I think so.

If you want something a little more personal but are running out of time to get to the stores or to have something shipped for an astronomical price to arrive on time, think about this: you can purchase a book and send it as a gift electronically. I think the recipients will find any e-book a really fun and unique gift. Plus, you save on some of that fancy wrapping paper.

Both amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com have electronic book delivery that you can give as gifts. Even if your friends and family don't have electronic book readers, they can still read books on a smart phone, tablet or any computer by downloading the free apps for Kindle or Nook. If you have a Vegas nut on your list who has been extra good (or extra naughty if you are into that kind of thing... I am), then I hope you consider giving my book through the Amazon or Barnes and Noble programs as a gift. At $4.99, it's a steal.

I will be back soon to wish you Happy Holidays in another blog soon. For now, I wish you much luck in your mad dash to finish your shopping. In case you are wondering what to get me, I would like all-expenses paid stay at the Wynn in the penthouse suite. I don't think that's asking for too much.


Saturday, December 10, 2011

A Few of My Favorite Things

Hi Vegas Fans,
During the holidays, I am reminded of My Favorite Things - not so much the song from The Sound of Music, but more from jazz legend John Coltrane's sweet tenor sax in the album of the same name, released in 1961. My Favorite Things is one of my favorite things... hang with me, I'm going somewhere with this.
I always like to look back and reflect on the year and share some of my thoughts as well as look ahead to the coming year. For a lot of reasons, this has been a challenging year for me. It has made my trips to Las Vegas that much more meaningful. I feel so fortunate that I get to escape reality, which tends to smack me in the face from time to time, and visit the un-real world of the Strip, downtown, and outskirts of the most exciting city in the world.

Here is a short list of my favorite Vegas things from 2011, in no particular order:
  • Playing $5 blackjack and craps and enjoying a few rum and cokes, especially at the Stratosphere. It's all about the atmosphere, and the Strat has a lot of creative characters roaming the floor. Good times. 
  • Hanging with my best friend and fellow degenerate gambler, Steve. We have been going to Vegas for over 20 years, and we typically enjoy the same goofy stuff and craziness of the wonderful world of Sin City.
  • Betting on my sports team and yelling at TVs as if they can hear me. It is amazing to me that the quarterback doesn't throw the ball to avoid the sack no matter how loudly I try to persuade him.
  • Walking the Strip at sunrise. I am one of those annoying morning people who likes to get up as dawn cracks and head to Starbucks or the Peppermill for a nice breakfast. There are two kinds of people you encounter at this hour: runners and crazy vagrants. It's a good mix.
  • Eating at Battista's Hole in the Wall. Yeah, I get arguments against this one from time to time. Foodies like to turn their noses up at this place. But for me, it's more about the tradition and atmosphere. I always enjoy the wine with my dinner, and I love when Gordie the accordion player stops by my table to play a tune. In a city where history is reduced to rubble with a flip of a switch, I'm hoping that this place doesn't change for a while.
  • Visiting Red Rock Canyon. Check out my pics on Flickr. It was a really beautiful day.
  • Enjoying Bellagio's Fine Art Gallery. The last one of its kind on the Strip. I'm no art expert, but I know what I like. They consistently show the best masterpieces by classic artists - from Picasso to Lichtenstein to everyone in between.
  • Finishing Simplifying Las Vegas 2012. Just in the St. Nick of time.
I could go on and on here, but you get the idea. Whether you like to people watch, eat good food, gamble, party or sit by the pool and catch some rays, Las Vegas is a great getaway. I look forward to my next trip. I'm already planning it.

When I count my good fortunes, and yes I do have a lot of them even when times are more difficult, I often include how grateful I am that I get to go to Vegas and enjoy some of my favorite things.

Please feel free to post some of your favorite Vegas things... you can post anonymously if your boss or spouse also follows this blog.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Simplifying Las Vegas 2012 is here!!

Hi Vegas fans,
You may have noticed that I have not been blogging posting to my forums lately. Or on Facebook. Or Twitter.... well, you get the idea. I've been working really hard on SLV 2012. And as you may have guessed from the title of this post, it's finally done!

Please check out my website to see all the different ways you can purchase SLV 2012. The Nook version is in progress - Barnes and Noble is taking its sweet time finalizing my html code - but it should be done within a day or two and I will put the links on my site.

I may be biased, but I think this is a really great version of the guide, and I am really looking forward to building on it in 2012. I hope you enjoy it, too! Please feel free to post your thoughts here or on my forums. As always, thanks for your support!
