Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving, Vegas Fans!

It's that time of year again. I know when you are in Vegas, you are thankful for winning a double-down at the blackjack table, hitting your point at craps, getting a royal in video poker, or hitting a jackpot on the slots. And I'm sure you are also thankful for friends and family and all of the good stuff in life.

I am too. And although this has been a challenging year for me in many ways, I'm still thankful. In addition to the stuff I mention above, I'm thankful that Simplifying Las Vegas has been successful this year, and I'm very appreciative of the people who have visited my site, sent me comments, joined me on Facebook and Twitter, and purchased my travel guide.

Finally, I am thankful that my Simplifying Las Vegas 2012 travel guide is almost done! I can't wait to publish it. It's got some new stuff in it, more tips, and cleaner formatting. Best of all, it will be easy to read on your tablet, smart phone, Kindle or Nook. It should be ready in about a week (maybe less if I skip the pumpkin pie tonight and get some more work done before the tryptophan kicks in).

Here's hoping you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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