Thursday, February 25, 2010

Vegas Giveaways!

Hi Vegas fans,

As February winds down, I hope you will partake in my scavenger hunt for your chance to win a Vegas luggage tag. I've given one away for the last 18 months. These hand tags come with a plastic tie to fasten to your favorite bag. I have one on my duffel bag, my suitcase, and my laptop bag, which I throw around quite a bit, but the tag still looks great.

Also, you can win a free t-shirt if you cast your vote in my poll to determine which show I should see (Wayne Newton or Viva Elvis at Aria) in March. Right now, Wayne is in the lead, but the King is closing.

I hope you enjoy the fun stuff, the free stuff, the informative stuff, and the goofy stuff on the site. It's a lot of fun writing and researching Vegas, and I appreciate your participation and your feedback!


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