Thursday, February 26, 2009

Coming Soon and News Items

Hi Vegas fans,

You'll soon notice some new features on the website. I'm still testing some javascript to make some groovy things work (this is a fancy way of saying I ain't done coding yet), but be on the lookout for these new features:
  • An Itinerary Creator: you choose from a list of items, and voila, you'll see my suggestions for an itinerary automatically! Pretty nifty, eh?
  • Scavenger Hunt: Want to win a free prize? All you have to do is find some stuff on the website, then submit your answers. One winner will be chosen at random per month. You like free stuff, right?
  • Gambling Information: This is long overdue and will include some tips and humor from my long-time friend and fellow Vegas aficionado, Steve Reed. You'll read, you'll enjoy, you'll save a few shekels. No big whoop.

I hope to have at least some of these changes done by the end of this week. Then, I plan to revisit the tables on the website to update some of the changes that are constantly taking place in Vegas (new shows, current shows changing venues, price differences, etc.). Whew!

Vegas News:

Two Vegas items that caught my attention this week.

1. Part of the Stimulus Package includes an idea that I would love, but it is drawing fire because it costs a few gazillion dollars.

The idea? A train from Anaheim (CA) to Vegas. I like to visit California during my longer trips to Sin City, but the deal usually involves me getting up early and driving to LA, with Steve nodding off in the front seat and my wife stretched out in the back seat reading Vogue or snoozing.

We drive back that same night. Steve takes the wheel and I tell bad jokes, try to find a good satellite radio station, and get slap-happy silly from little sleep. My wife stretches out in the back seat and reads Vogue or snoozes.

I know there are buses and planes to California, but they do not suit my needs. I might do a bullet-train if it didn't take too long and didn't cost too much. OK taxpayers, you can throw stuff at me now.

2. The Palms is opening up a cool art-house type movie venue. I like me some artsy movies (although I don't know I'd see flicks while in Vegas!), but this is pretty cool, especially for locals.

That's all for this week, folks. Remember the golden rule... go to Vegas. It's that simple.



Thursday, February 19, 2009


Good morning Vegas fans,

It's Thursday, and I'm a day late for the usual entry for my blog. Why, you ask? I've been swamped since answering last Thursday's Question of the Day on the Las Vegas Advisor. I had 44 people fill out a form for a free itinerary! Yowza. I am just about caught up, and I plan on finishing the last 6 tonight.

Thanks to you all for your comments and questions. There have been a lot of visitors to the site, and a lot of great feedback on a number of my initiatives. Please continue to visit and comment, ask questions, rant, joke, criticize, etc. I'm always happy to hear what your thoughts are on my thoughts on Vegas.

I will probably answer another Question of the Day again soon, so I'll keep you posted. In the mean time, I have a lot to do on the website. It won't go through another facelift (well, not now, anyway), but it will get some updates and some new stuff. That's all I'm saying for now, so you'll just have to keep on a-visitin'.

In other news... I received these two links from a co-worker and Vegas fan, so I thought I'd share them with you:

That's it for this week, folks. I'll have more news n' notes soon. For now, remember my most important rule. Go to Vegas. It's that simple.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

New... stuff!!

Hi Vegas fans,

A few new items to discuss this week. First, I'm very happy that I will be a guest expert again to answer tomorrow's Las Vegas Advisor Question of the Day. Please check it out and let me know what you think. Once it is on their site tomorrow, I will get a lot of hits on my site, and it will certainly keep me busy for a while. I'm ready!

Second, you probably heard that Amazon is releasing a new Kindle (version 2). The good news is that even if you have a copy of Simplifying Las Vegas and purchase a new Kindle, you can download it to your new device with no problem. I'm excited about the new version, and I can't wait to see it. I have not ordered one yet, but my one of my co-workers has, and I'm sure I'll test his out before buying one of my own. It looks very slick, though.

And... I'm really thinking about the possibilities of another trip to Vegas in August. As soon as we figure out how much money we're getting back from our taxes, I'll know for sure. Wish me luck!

Have a great week.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Great deals to Vegas

If you are looking to book a trip to Las Vegas this year, you're in luck. Hotels and travel sites are offering promotions/discounts to get you there, and the further you book in advance, the more money you can save.

For example, Treasure Island (TI) is running a promotion where you can save 15% (7-30 days in advance) to 30% (> 90 days in advance) if you book from them directly. You can even book your flight and rental car (if applicable) directly from the TI site.

When booking a package deal, I also always look at the following sites when comparing prices:
So if you thinking about your summer vacation, start planning now because who knows when these prices will start to rise.

If you find an extraordinary deal, comment here on the blog, or email me and I'll post it for you.
