Wednesday, October 1, 2008

New Survey Winner, New Reader Poll

Hi Vegas fans,

First, contrats go out to Bess from New York, who was this month's winner of the cool luggage tag. Didn't win this month? Fill out the survey to try to win for October. Good luck!

Second, I've decided to start a poll. No, not a stripper poll - there's already plenty of those in Vegas. This is a reader poll. At first I was going to start with a lame topic, like "what's your favorite free show in Vegas?" But then I thought I'd save the lame ones for later, when I run out of ideas. Instead, I started with one that anyone could answer, regardless of whether you've never been to Sin City or have visited there a million times: "What's the best part of planning a trip to Vegas?" Answer it and see others' answers on my site.

With the economic crisis, it's actually a good time to plan a trip to Vegas. You'll get good rates right now, and if you plan far enough ahead, you may even be able to withdraw money from your bank so you can gamble while you're there!


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